491 research outputs found

    Аналіз рівня соціального захисту та забезпечення охорони здоров’я в регіонах України (Analysis of the level of social protection and health care in the regions of Ukraine)

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    У роботі проведено аналіз рівня соціального захисту та забезпечення охорони здоров’я в регіонах України. Проведено ранжирування показників соціального захисту та забезпечення охорони здоров’я в регіонах України та обчислені середні значення досліджуваних показників протягом 2010–2015 рр. Проведений аналіз довів нерівномірність між регіонами України у сфері соціального захисту та забезпечення охорони здоров’я населення. (The paper analyses the level of social protection and health care in the regions of Ukraine. The ranking of indicators of social protection and health care has been conducted. The average value of studied parameters during 2010–2015 years has been calculated. The analysis confirmed inequality in social protection and health care in the regions of Ukraine.

    Ultrastructural changes in renal parenchyma with renal cell carcinoma

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    Pasichnyk S., Stakhovsky O., Gozhenko A., Pasichnyk M., Voronina O. Ultrastructural changes in renal parenchyma with renal cell carcinoma. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2018;8(6):446-451. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1495561 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/6319 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part b item 1223 (26/01/2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author(s) 2018; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 02.06.2018. Revised: 12.06.2018. Accepted: 29.06.2018. Ultrastructural changes in renal parenchyma with renal cell carcinoma S. Pasichnyk1, O. Stakhovsky2, A. Gozhenko3, M. Pasichnyk1, O. Voronina4 1Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halytsky, Lviv, Ukraine Department of urology FPGE 2National Cancer Institute, Kiyv 3Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport Medicine of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Odessa 4NSC Institute of Biology and Medicine, Kiyv Abstract In recent years, there has been a significant increase in incidence of the renal cell carcinoma (RCC). In the structure of cancer, this pathology is on 10th place. The surgical treatment is the most radical and most effective method of management of this disease. Currently renal resection has become a desirable alternative to radical nephrectomy for tumors of the T1 stage [6, 7, 8, 9]. Nephron-sparing interventions, compared to radical nephrectomy, showed an equivalent cancer outcome in tumors < 4 cm in diameter [1, 10]. However, there is an opinion [2] that in the intact part of the organ due to an increased functional load various pathomorphological changes may occur [3, 4 ,7]. Although, it is believed that in this cohort of patients there are no pathomorphological changes and only in rare cases, distant functional changes can be observed [5, 2]. Key words: renal cell carcinoma, nephron, nephrectomy, nephron-sparing surger

    Досвід функціонування вільних економічних зон в Україні та перспективи їх подальшого розвитку

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    Вітчизняна економіка останніми роками знаходитися в тривалій стагнації. Необхідні екстрені заходи для створення можливостей економічного поштовху і подальших умов стабільного й динамічного зростання. Практика вживання таких інструментів, як створення спеціальних економічних зон, індустріальних і технопарків, у різних країнах світу, показує позитивний результат і високу міру ефективності використання диференційованої зональної політики для подолання кризових явищ в економіці. Створення спеціальних економічних зон у рамках регіональній політиці може стати засобом подолання негативних тенденцій в економіці, а також базою для інноваційного розвитку регіонів України і країни в цілому. (Today, the world is on the verge of a fourth industrial revolution and a new technological order, strategies and development paradigms are changing using different tactics and tools in economic development policies and global competition. The domestic economy, unfortunately, on the contrary, in recent years has been in prolonged stagnation, political and economic chaos creates aggravating social tensions in society and thus the country continues to plunge into a general systemic crisis. Emergency measures are needed to create opportunities for economic impetus and further stable and dynamic growth. Turning to the experience of foreign countries, it is difficult to define a standard recipe for resolving the internal problems of each individual state, but the practice of using tools such as creating special economic zones, industrial and technology parks in developed and developing countries shows a positive result and a high degree of efficiency in the use of differentiated zonal policies to overcome the crisis in the economy. In the conditions of the financial crisis, special economic zones can become one of the most effective instruments of the state anti-crisis policy. Therefore, in our opinion, the creation of special economic zones within the framework of regional policy can be a way to overcome the negative trends in the economy, as well as the basis for the innovative development of the regions of Ukraine and the country as a whole.


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    Вороніна М.О. Особливості копінг-поведінки в стресових ситуаціях юнаків та дівчат підлітків / М.О. Вороніна // Актуальні напрями практичної психології і психотерапії : матеріали VIII Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. молодих вчених, студентів та аспірантів (м. Харків, 16 груд. 2020 р.). - Харків: ХНУВС, 2020. - С. 39 - 42.В статті наведені результати дослідження, метою якого було вивчити та дослідити особливості копінг-поведінки у юнаків та дівчат підлітків. Для вирішення поставленої мети були використані методики – «Копінг-поведінка в стресових ситуаціях CISS» (С. Норман, Ф. Ендлер, А. Джеймс, І. Паркер), «Методика діагностики життєстійкості» (С. Мадді в адаптації Д. Леонтьєва), «Методика визначення індивідуальних копінг-стратегій» ( Е. Хайма). У дослідженні приймали участь учні 8-го класу Харківської гімназії № 163. В статье приводятся результаты исследования, целью которого было изучить и исследовать особенности копинг-поведения у юношей и девушек подростков. Для решения поставленных целей были использованы методики – «Копинг-поведение в стрессовых ситуациях CISS» (С. Норман, Ф. Эндлер, А. Джеймс, И. Паркер), «Методика диагностики жизнестойкости» (С. Мадди в адаптации Д. Леонтьева), «Методика определения индивидуальных копинг-стратегий» (Э. Хайма). В исследовании принимали участие учащиеся 8-го класса Харьковской гимназии №163. The article presents the results of a study aimed at studying and investigating the peculiarities of coping behavior in adolescent boys and girls. To solve this goal, methods were used - "Coping behavior in stressful situations CISS" (S. Norman, F. Endler, A. James, I. Parker), "Diagnostic methods viability "(S. Muddy in the adaptation of D. Leontiev)," Methods of determination individual coping strategies "(E. Khaima). Participated in the study students of the 8th grade of Kharkiv gymnasium № 163

    The role of language representation of the time model in the process of meaning creation

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    The aim of the article is to demonstrate the language picture of the world, which owes its structural integrity to its relational framework. The archetype “time” is central to the Christian mythology, in fairy tales and other linguocultural artefacts. The thought-language essences representing the category TIME in the modern German language, connect different time modes (past, present, future), allowing to distinguish different worlds. The memory of the ways of the development of the human soul is concentrated in the

    Gender features of depressive disorders in women

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    The authors give the data available in the literature and the results of their investigations of the gender features of depressive disorders in women. They analyze the results of studies relating to gender differences in the neurohormonal system from the embryonic period, as well as those in the lateralization of neuromorphofunctional provision of emotions. Based on their clinical observations, the authors discuss the varying roles of menopause in the etiopathogenesis of climacteric, psychogenic, and endogenous depression; in these forms of depression, menopause may be a cause, ground, or trigger, respectively. The influence of endocrine and sociopsychological factors on the development of postpartum depression is considered. The authors unveil the diagnostic and predictive value of premenopausal syndrome with depressive disorders at different stages of a depressive episode: the prediction of depression when depressive symptoms appear in the premenopausal period, as well as the reduction of premenopausal depressive disorders as evidence of intermission. Based on the data available in the literature, the authors consider the clinical features of depression in women: earlier onset; more frequent depressive episodes; greater presentation of atypical symptoms (anxiety, fatigue, increased appetite, weight gain, hypersomnia, and signs of somatization), as well as rarer suicidal tendencies as comparedto men. It is concluded that the gender features of depression in women are due to the whole complex of gender factors, such as neurophysiological, neuroendocrine, and sociopsychological ones

    Psychological, morphological and dietic aspects of violations of food behavior of young people

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    Background: The article shows that the development of obesity and associated health disorders is directly related to the changes in eating behavior (EB) and the psychoemotional state. However, the considered studies were carried out in obese patients of medical institutions only. The research in young people focuses mainly on the sociological and psychological aspects of EB.Aim: To study the psychological characteristics, eating behavior features and their relationship with the indicators of actual nutrition and the body composition in young men.Materials and methods: A multicenter, cross-sectional sample survey of young men aged 17 to 21 was performed. A survey of violations of the EB was carried out, on the basis of which 5 groups of young men were formed. Group 1 (comparison) consisted of young men without violations of the EB. Group 2 consisted of young men with impaired emotiogenic EB. Group 3 consisted of boys with violations of the restrictive PP; group 4 — young men with impaired external EB; group 5 — young men with a combination of impairment of emotionogenic and restrictive EB. We used the Dutch DEBQ questionnaire to study the types of eating behavior. The current mental state of the testees was evaluated by a clinical and psychological test — Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R). The body composition was assessed with the ABC-01 «Medass» bioimpedansometry device. The «Analysis of the human nutritional state” computer program was applied to estimate the actual nutrition by the frequency analysis method.Results: The study included 96 volunteers. Young men with impaired external EB feature an increase in the daily average energy consumption, which resulted in an increase in BFM%. In young people with eating disorders, an increase in scores on the «Somatization», «Obsession-compulsion», and «Anxiety» scales as compared to the reference valuesis testified. The depression level in young men correlated with the severity of emotiogenic eating behavior (r = 0.455, p &lt;0.001).However, it is associated with the severity of external EB to a greater extent (r = 0.608, p &lt;0.001). On the contrary, the anxiety level more strongly correlated with the severity of emotiogenic EB (r = 0.575, p &lt;0.001) rather than of external EB type (r = 0.391, p &lt;0.001).Conclusion: EB disorders in young men are associated with psychophysiological features, eating disorders accounting for the accumulation of adipose tissue in the body